Welcome to TCC (The CannaClub) Stokvel:
Thank you for your interest. You are welcome to visit the TCC Clubhouse on the DankiPa Eco Estate, and to arrange an appointment for any discussions regarding all operations on the estate, or of the initiatives/ operations pursued by TCC Stokvel.
Summary regarding TCC Stokvel:
1. The goals of TCC Stokvel are to: Medicate, Educate, Inspire and Empower.
2. The CannaClub Stokvel has developed and are continuously supporting the following already viable and successful black owned startup companies which are now key service providers of The CannaClub:
a. The Scissor Sisters - Processing & Packaging Services. More information about The Scissor Sisters can be found here
b. Black Joint - Club House Management Services. More information about Black Joint can be found here.
c. First Nation Organics - Organic farming. Irrigation, Cultivation & Infrastructure technicians. More information about First Nation Organics can be found here.
d. Currently under development: Quadi Cannatours - Cannabis tours to Judah Square and to the CannaClub.
3. In addition the CannaClub Stokvel has developed the following Cannabis industry educational & skills development partnerships:
a. Department of Trade and industry ( DTI) through Ithunga development - 10 x 1 year internships with gov stipend student support.
b. Department of labor, through Misuyolo Pty. Ltd. - 30 x 3 month skills development internships with gov support per year.
c. Cheeba Africa - Regional office - leading formal Cannabis Varsity in Africa - 1 month Cheeba Africa internships.
d. The Bitou Municipality with regards to assistance to several small black owned start up companies.
e. The above can be confirmed by Misuyolo Pty Ltd - Runeetha 072 812 9988, and by contacting Linda Siboto - 073 196 6793 of Cheeba Africa, or I.t.o of the Plettenberg Bay Municipality, the info can be confirmed the with Phakamile Sibezo - 072 543 9502. You can also follow this link to see a video regarding Regional Cannabis Development attended by national department heads and find many such Skills indabas on our social media platforms -
SA Government shows support for Cannabis skills development!
Introduction: The DankiPa Eco Estate:
The DankiPa Eco Estate is managed by GRRcc with the mandate to develop the property and to establish empowerment initiatives in doing so. GRRcc is primarily a rental business including a Lodge & Guest House that has been in operation for more than 10 years.
The CannaClub rents its private use areas from GRRcc. This agreement has been in existence for more than 5 years and it can be found here.
Green Herizon has concluded long term land use agreements i.t.o. its private use areas from GRRcc. This agreement has been in existence for more than 10 years and it can be found here.
The established empowerment initiatives including various interns, The Scissor Sisters, and First Nation Organics are utilizing operational areas for their business activities on the estate as provided by the CannaClub and as supported by GRRcc & Green Herizon.
Introduction: The CannaClub Stokvel:
The TCC Stokvel was established in 2015 and currently has over 3500 Members who have all signed up in person at the premises (No online Memberships available). These Membership Agreements are available to authorities for inspection.
The CannaClub is a non profit organization that functions in a legal manner according to our best legal council and the TCC advisory board members, whose summary of the current legal situation can be found here.
In the case of being advised by council/ advisory board/ authorities that the TCC Stokvel are in violation of, or transgresses any laws, the TCC executive management will attempt to immediately rectify those, or alternatively The CannaClub will be closed, until such time that it has been resolved.
The TCC Stokvel conforms to the well established, pan european and long existing ENCOD standard for private social Cannabis Clubs which are in operation in many countries and is based on the following :
TCC does not buy or sell Cannabis.
We do not have dealers/ franchises.
We do not transport any Cannabis.
We do not cultivate more than 1 plant per TCC member at any stage.
All Cannabis is cultivated, processed and packaged on one property according to the TCC Constitution and the TCC Management System.
More info about ENCOD based private social Cannabis Clubs can be found here
The CannaClub is engaged with both the local Municipality, as well as regional & national government departments for several empowerment initiatives. We are constantly looking for avenues with all departments for further empowerment opportunities. We can provide a full list of all government departments that have been on site, and that are working towards these plans.
Legality and model of TCC stokvel:
SAPS/ TCC history:
The CannaClub was raided by SIU in 2017, where 6 Members were arrested. This case was stayed pending the outcome of the Prince ConCourt ruling, and thereafter withdrawn.
The CannaClub was raided again by SIU in 2019 and the CEO was arrested. After 7 appearances the case was withdrawn, and no formal charges were ever laid.
The SIU made a third inspection in November 2020 where no arrests were made or any problems reported.
Local SAPS: W/O Van Pletzen made a rural safety & security inspection on 16 Jan 2023 and requested a statement regarding all activities on the premises which was formally provided to his office on 18 January 2023.
If there are further uncertainties, we would appreciate an opportunity to present a tour and would always welcome an open & honest relationship with our local SAPS whom we highly value.
Members of the SAPS are and have always been welcome to visit the Estate at any reasonable time, and the use of Drones by Plett Security for example have also been approved & welcomed.
We have a long history with the CPF, also with regards to numerous donations for rural protection such as 2 way radios, cameras and the like.
As responsible Members of society we and our Members do not wish to engage with any illegal actions.
A summary of the current legal situation in South Africa can be found here
We are expecting the Privacy Bill to materialize in the near future, which would clarify matters further.
The CannaClub’s Constitution as well as the TCC Management System is available to authorities.
General Info: TCC Stokvel:
All Members transactions, as well as Cannabis products are fully traceable and trackable by our accounting system. Members are not allowed to withdraw more than 100g a day or 650g per year.
No solvent based extraction, chemical procedures, edibles or tinctures are produced or provided by The CannaClub - PRIMARY PROCESSING ONLY.
TCC provides: Small scale, eco wise, artisanal and hand crafted organic produce for and behalf of TCC stokvel members as per the TCC Constitution and the TCC Management system.
The CannaClub is a member of The Fields of Green Network and of the Maruana Board Of SA (MBOSA).
The CannaClub is Harambe approved i.t.o. its Constitution and Management system.
Please feel free to have a look at our YouTube channel, Facebook and Website which promote our goals. That is to : Medicate, Educate, Inspire & Empower.
Kind Regards,
Herman van der Watt
CEO of The CannaClub