1. In order to participate in the ownership of and proportionate withdrawal of Stokvel Cannabis, one ought to become a member of The CannaClub.
2. Membership in The CannaClub is strictly private and only granted to adults who visit The CannaClub Club House in person and register by—
2.1. presenting personal details including:
2.1.1. a valid form of identification (original ID document, passport or driver’s license) for purposes of verifying the applicant’s existence and majority age;
2.1.2. date of birth;
2.1.3. mobile telephone number; and
2.1.4. email address;
2.2. becoming familiar with this Constitution including its objectives and goals, The CannaClub Club House Rules, and other documentation deemed necessary by the Management Committee from time to time;
2.3. being invited by the Club House manager (or any Executive Committee member) on duty to become a member of The CannaClub;
2.4.warranting that they conform to The CannaClub’s membership criteria, that they:
2.4.1. are existing and consenting adult Cannabis users;
2.4.2. wish to lawfully exercise their constitutional rights – to privately and in association with others – cultivate and consume their own Cannabis; and
2.4.3. seek access to the educational support, guidance and expertise, adequate land, water and equipment required in order to cultivate their own Cannabis in private for purposes of their personal and private consumption; and
2.4.4. duly signing and executing the Membership Agreement with The CannaClub in the presence of the Club House manager (or Executive Committee member) on duty.
3. The Club House manager (or any Executive Committee member) on duty then formally approves the new member’s registration and inducts the new member as a member of The CannaClub by—
3.1. concluding – signing and executing – the Membership Agreement with the new member on behalf of The CannaClub;
3.2. assigning the new member a unique membership number; and
3.3 adding the new member’s name to The CannaClub members register.
4. In order to maintain their membership at The CannaClub, members are required to abide by:
4.1. the TCC Constitution;
4.2. their Membership Agreements; and
4.3. The CannaClub Club House Rules.
5. The CannaClub Club House Rules, which must at all times be prominently on display in The CannaClub Club House, may be amended by the Management Committee by resolution at a Management Committee meeting.
6. Membership automatically terminates upon:
6.1. the death of a member (and any money owed to such member vests in their deceased estate);
6.2. written notice of resignation from a member;
6.3. the determination by the Management Committee, following a reasonable investigatory process, that the member has breached a provision of their membership agreement, this Constitution or The CannaClub Club House Rules.
7. Under no circumstances is membership in The CannaClub is transferable from a member to a non-member.
8. The Executive Committee must keep an updated register of all of the members of The CannaClub.